Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

         On New Years Eve i went to my friends house for a party.  We had yummy food.  It was soup.  we had lots of fun.  We took alot of really funny pictures.  We got in there hot tub and we were playing around in there.  We had these mini bottles of martinellies and we were drinking them.  They had some famly friends over and there was a boy there.  He wasnt that cute, he was trying to flirt with us girls the whole time.  It was kinda funny cause he was just embrassing his self.  After we talked and played around.  Then we waited for 12 and we ran outside with no shoes on and we were screaming and throwing confeti.  It was a reallly fun and crazy night.  2011 is going to be the best.  it is a new year and a new start.


              I think UTOPIAS are a really bad thing.  Every thing is the same.  They force people to be the same.  The community makes no sense.  they don't want them to feel anything.  They cant feel pain, happiness, love, hunger, loneliness, warmth, and etc.  they have no feeling.  They cant see color and there weather never changes.  They give them pills to stop them from going through puberty.  They can never choose anything or make a decision.  They want them to have every thing chosen for them.  Jonas feels it is a weird way to live after he receives memories about how things really should be. They make one person carry all the memories so every one else can be the same.  They feel everyone should be equal.  Its like living in a unrealistic world because life is not equal and i don't think it should be that way.  Real life cant work if every one is equal.  You have to have people higher up to help the world function.  With jobs people have to be higher in position to tell the people what to do and guide them through there job.  Everyone goes through the same things.  They don't have color so that know one will have something different color than someone else.  They use words that kinda cover up what the real meanings are.  Like with release they are really killing people but they don't tell anybody.  The community is not living real life they are isolated from the real world.  i think its sad that they can never live like real people.  And have a normal life.  Jonas even thinks it is unfair to them.  There whole life is under control and perfect.